Monday, May 25, 2009

Ransom by David Malouf

With learning worn lightly and in his own lyrical language, David Malouf retells Homer's Iliad. Focusing on the unbreakable bonds between men - Priam and Hector, Patroclus and Achilles, Priam and the cart-driver hired to retrieve Hector's body. Pride, grief, brutality, love and neighbourliness are explored. And, this retelling has a few surprises. The minute you finish this novel you will want to return to the beginning and start all over again. Global Books in Print.
This story is beautifully told!
A long time ago in year 12; I read Homers The Odyssey. There began a love for Homer and the surprise as to how interesting and accessible an ancient story could be. The same here with David Malouf’s new book Ransom. Ransom evokes the grey and strange landscape of war. It also focuses on the connection and honour between men: some who are mortal enemies and some of different social status – utterly intriguing! especially between the characters Priam, Somax and the mule – Beauty. The writing is careful and poetic – and has great depth.
Rating - I give this 5/5
Get this from the library
Reviewed by kim @ ballarat library

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