Friday, March 5, 2010

Subterranean by James Rollins

Travel To The Bottom Of The place you never dreamed existed. Beneath The Ice...a hand-picked team of specialists makes its way toward the centre of the world. They are not the first to venture into this magnificent subterranean labyrinth. Those they follow did not return. Over The Rocks...Across The Yawning Caverns...Beyond The Black River...You are not alone. Into The Darkness...where breathtaking wonders awaits you - and terrors beyond imaging...Revelations that could change the world - things that should never be disturbed... At The Bottom Of The Earth Is The Beginning. Keep Moving...toward a miracle that cannot be...toward a mystery older than time (from the publisher).
I seem to have developed an addiction to these kind of books; bit of action and adventure, bit of mystery as to what is out there, some ancient ruins, and some romance that is pushing the 'blah, get on with the story' boundary. I particularly liked the way this book ended, so unlike most other books that have ancient ruins in them.
Rating - I give this 3.5/5 Not bad!
Get this from the library
Reviewed by Michelle @ admin

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