Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Julie & Julia, by Julie Powell

If you were fed up with life, the universe and everything, would you leave your job and/or your husband or take on a self-imposed assignment to cook all 524 recipes in Julia Child's Mastering the art of French cooking in one year in your small, inadequate kitchen?
New Yorker Julie Powell opts for the latter, punishing herself and husband Eric as she squanders hours, money and serious quantities of butter in her mad quest.
There's some fabulous food, and some disasters, in Powell's life as she gains weight - and fans as she blogs about her sessions.
It's a tough way to change your life and get the publishing deal that resulted in this book but I guess someone had to do it.
Powell is a trouper who can cook, write and isn't finicky about the cleaning up. If you're squeamish, skip the bit about the maggots in the kitchen. This is an enjoyable book that makes me want to eat fabulous food - but cooked by someone else, thanks.
Rating - I give this 4/5
Not bad!
Get this from the library (link to catalogue)
Reviewed by Jan @ Ballarat branch

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