Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Caught, by Harlen Coben

At a loss for something to read, and enticed by the blurb, I picked up the latest offering from popular thriller writer Harlan Coben and was captivated from the first page.
While Caught can hardly be described as trim, at 388 pages, it's certainly taut and terrific.

A teenager goes missing from her loving family home. A crusading TV reporter runs a sting operation to entrap sexual predators and publicly shames a social worker known as a friend to troubled teens. It's an absorbing, challenging story - but things are not all as they seem. There are so many twists and turns to keep the reader guessing and the ending is such a surprise.
Coben's characters are well-drawn, little gore, plenty of plot and lots to think about. This is the first of his books I've read and I'm now on the lookout for more.

Rating - I give this 4/5
Get this from the library
Reviewed by Jan @ Ballarat branch

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